November, depression, and the illusion of another world

“This is so depressing.” It’s a common expression. I don’t begrudge it to people and frequently use it myself. I don’t like the self-righteous condemnation some people will heap on you if you use “depressing” or “depression” as throw-away words in casual conversation. If you get horribly offended by that, you may need to get over yourself. LanguageContinue reading “November, depression, and the illusion of another world”

From your humble (and very cold) blog author: news, announcements, CIS-related links, and a request for tips

Dear friends, subscribers, and people who stop by to yell at me about my unladylike use of curse words, Hi! Happy 1st of November! Please note, my use of glitter in the above picture is ironic. November, of course, is not a month for irony. It’s a month for doomed love affairs that need to be conductedContinue reading “From your humble (and very cold) blog author: news, announcements, CIS-related links, and a request for tips”

A different ending is still an ending

Now that she is old, Helen walks on the beach Remembering her old lovers The temperamental merging of sea and sand Makes her ponder men and women Currents are wanderers But it’s tectonic plates that are hard – The stupid analogy falls apart And Helen laughs and orders Half a liter of wine on theContinue reading “A different ending is still an ending”